Thursday, September 16, 2010

Do Angelina Jolie & Johnny Depp have chemistry in ‘The Tourist’ trailer?

Oh. Ma Jebus. After yesterdayâ € ™ s mini-clips I Wasna € ™ t expecting. The first full length trailer for The Tourist just released a few hours ago, anda € | God. I think I had a heart attack Brangeloonie watch this thing. And now, Iâ € ™ m a-loon Depp too! Lovely Depp. Yes, Heâ € ™ s a little puffy in the trailer, but it is really supposed to be playing a â € œaverage dudeâ €?? character. Moreover, when he in a tuxedo motherf-cking that sh-t it all good. Alright € | maybe not the hair. But Iâ € ™ ll live with it. As for Angelina, Iâ € ™ m sad to report that yes, it does not seem to be a kind of Englishy Accenta | € a strange accent, he seems to come on certain words. And there are shots where she looks older than his age, but overall, I found God. Liena € ™ s trailer:

LOVE. In addition, itâ € ™ s nice to Paul Bettany in this kind of super-spy, he donâ € ™ t? It looks great too. Just a few other ideas: that all European trains to carry so many beautiful guys? Seriously, if that's what coach class train travel is like, Iâ € ™ m going to Europe. Moreover, Angelina donâ € ™ t give me the heavy trauma strikes that I expected - his hair seems to vary from scene to scene, and sometimes I Donâ ™ € t even notice the fringe.

Oh, and I think they have good chemistry on screen, by the way. But curiously, it seems to come mostly from Johnny - Perking his cute face when he sees the boat, the look on his face when he says he does not regret the kiss. * SWOON *

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