Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Exact, Precise New Haircut Ferocia Wants For Fall 2010

You know, as soon as the weather gets a bit cooler, I start itching for change; and no, I'm not talking about money (although that would be really nice if someone volunteered spice up my otherwise dour and pitiful bank account.) I'm talking about my beauty look...more precisely? My hair.
I realize that it probably makes absolutely no sense to cut your hair even shorter when it gets cold outside, but that's exactly what I want to do. (I tend to rock a shoulder length bob or extensions in the spring and summer....which is probably when I should really be wearing it shorter. Weird, right?!)
The last time it was cold outside, I got it cut into this style by hair guru Ted Gibson.
However, while perusing through some celebrity photos I found this picture of actress Carey Mulligan (from a special screening event held Tuesday night for the film Never Let Me Go) and have decided that this is the exact, precise haircut that I want to have for the fall season. It's cute, fun and I like the little bit of wave that she has in it. I also happen to think that the color is perfect! (Her glamazing smudgy smoky eye and perfectly groomed brows are also giving me life at this exact moment as well.)
So, what do you think, Glamazons? Should I take the plunge and go for this cut?!

*Getty Images

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