Monday, October 11, 2010

Paris Hilton may owe $160,000 after her film flopped

The socialite - who was sued by the producers for not adequately promotefor movie's commercial failure, is now, but warned she mayhave to pay compensation to the project investors.

U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno ruled in Miami, Florida on Thursday(September 2, 2010) that the 29-year-old breached her contract when sherefused interviews with publications in Russia and the United Kingdom.

The judge said that the heir could be responsible for a payment to producersWorldwide Entertainment Group Inc. after valuation of lost sales promotionopportunities of about $ 160,000, although he will not finalize the amount untilsee additional information on the conditions of her contract.

The investors originally requested $ 8.3 million.

In its original decision in August 2009, the judge stated that although Pariswas paid for starring in the film.

It had been reported that Paris - who played a college sorority president infilm - became disillusioned and distanced itself from the movie when extrascenes of nudity were added.

This is the latest legal problem for Paris that stands up to four years inprison after she was indicted for possession of a controlled substance afterher arrest in Las Vegas last Friday (August 27, 2010).

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